AGM 2017 Minutes

IAM RoadSmart Official Provider

Stratford upon Avon & South Warwickshire Group of
Advanced Motorists
Affiliated to: IAM Roadsmart

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Monday 9th October 2017
at WarwickSpace, Coten End, Warwick CV34 4NU

Mark Langstone (Chair), Dot Holtom, Sarah Brooke-Taylor, Keith Madderson, Graham Crump, Adrian Levett, Allen Turner, David Wright, Ian Macafee, Ian Gibbins, Don Rushton, Lindsay Rushton, Colin Upchurch, Dave Compton, Christine Johnson

  1. Welcome and apologies for absence
  2. The Chair opened the meeting and apologies were given (Mark Bister, Tony Reason, Dave Fenton, John Redshaw).
  3. Minutes of the 2016 AGM
  4. The Chair asked the meeting to consider the Minutes of the previous AGM. All were in agreement that they were accurate.
  5. Resolution: That the Minutes of the October 2016 AGM be approved as a true record. Proposed by DH and seconded by SBT. Minutes signed by Chairman.
  6. Matters arising from the Minutes – there were no matters arising from the Minutes.
  7. Amendments or adjustments to this Agenda – there was one adjustment to the Agenda, being the inclusion of a Social Report.
  8. Chair’s Annual Report – the Chair presented his report, attached hereto, and presented gifts to Don and Lindsay Rushton in recognition of their valuable contribution to the local Group.
  9. Secretary’s Report – no report submitted due to change of Group Secretary.
  10. Treasurers Report – the Treasurer presented the annual accounts, attached hereto. Total expenditure for the year was £5240 and total income for the year was £3903.
  11. Resolution: That the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2017 be approved. Proposed by DR and seconded by IM.
  12. Social Report – LR presented a report on events held since the last AGM (attached hereto) and the Chair thanked her for her hard work over the year in finding interesting places to visit.
  13. Membership Secretary: Mrs S Brooke-Taylor
  14. c/o 8 Chance Fields, Radford Semele CV31 1TR
  16. Election of Group Officers and Election of Committee
  17. Retiring Officers:
  18. Jo Fisher – Secretary (retiring and not standing for re-election)
  19. Officers standing for re-election:
  20. Mark Langstone – Chairman
  21. Dot Holtom – Treasurer
  22. Committee members retiring and not standing for re-election:
  23. Lindsay Rushton – Social Secretary
  24. Don Rushton
  25. Committee members retiring by rotation and standing for re-election:
  26. Ian Gibbins – Observer Lead
  27. Sarah Brooke-Taylor – Membership secretary
  28. Committee members not retiring and number of years remaining:
  29. Keith Madderson – Editor (2 years)
  30. Colin Upchurch (1 year)
  31. New Committee member:
  32. Ian Macafee – nominated as Group Secretary
  33. The above was voted en-bloc as all were in agreement.
  34. Proposed by DH and seconded by IG
  35. Any Other Business
  36. Resolution: That the Committee be authorised to change the subscription for 2017-18 if it is deemed necessary. The Chair reminded the meeting that the Group subscription has remained at £10 per member for a number of years but as there is currently a healthy bank balance it was not deemed necessary to raise the subscription.

There being no other business the meeting was closed at 7:25pm and the Chair thanked all for their attendance.

Registered Charity Number: 1016119
Membership Secretary: Mrs S Brooke-Taylor
c/o 8 Chance Fields, Radford Semele CV31 1TR,