AGM 2017 Minutes
Stratford upon Avon & South Warwickshire Group of
Advanced Motorists
Affiliated to: IAM Roadsmart
Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Monday 9th October 2017
at WarwickSpace, Coten End, Warwick CV34 4NU
Mark Langstone (Chair), Dot Holtom, Sarah Brooke-Taylor, Keith Madderson, Graham Crump, Adrian Levett, Allen Turner, David Wright, Ian Macafee, Ian Gibbins, Don Rushton, Lindsay Rushton, Colin Upchurch, Dave Compton, Christine Johnson
- Welcome and apologies for absence
- The Chair opened the meeting and apologies were given (Mark Bister, Tony Reason, Dave Fenton, John Redshaw).
- Minutes of the 2016 AGM
- The Chair asked the meeting to consider the Minutes of the previous AGM. All were in agreement that they were accurate.
- Resolution: That the Minutes of the October 2016 AGM be approved as a true record. Proposed by DH and seconded by SBT. Minutes signed by Chairman.
- Matters arising from the Minutes – there were no matters arising from the Minutes.
- Amendments or adjustments to this Agenda – there was one adjustment to the Agenda, being the inclusion of a Social Report.
- Chair’s Annual Report – the Chair presented his report, attached hereto, and presented gifts to Don and Lindsay Rushton in recognition of their valuable contribution to the local Group.
- Secretary’s Report – no report submitted due to change of Group Secretary.
- Treasurers Report – the Treasurer presented the annual accounts, attached hereto. Total expenditure for the year was £5240 and total income for the year was £3903.
- Resolution: That the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2017 be approved. Proposed by DR and seconded by IM.
- Social Report – LR presented a report on events held since the last AGM (attached hereto) and the Chair thanked her for her hard work over the year in finding interesting places to visit.
- Membership Secretary: Mrs S Brooke-Taylor
- c/o 8 Chance Fields, Radford Semele CV31 1TR
- Election of Group Officers and Election of Committee
- Retiring Officers:
- Jo Fisher – Secretary (retiring and not standing for re-election)
- Officers standing for re-election:
- Mark Langstone – Chairman
- Dot Holtom – Treasurer
- Committee members retiring and not standing for re-election:
- Lindsay Rushton – Social Secretary
- Don Rushton
- Committee members retiring by rotation and standing for re-election:
- Ian Gibbins – Observer Lead
- Sarah Brooke-Taylor – Membership secretary
- Committee members not retiring and number of years remaining:
- Keith Madderson – Editor (2 years)
- Colin Upchurch (1 year)
- New Committee member:
- Ian Macafee – nominated as Group Secretary
- The above was voted en-bloc as all were in agreement.
- Proposed by DH and seconded by IG
- Any Other Business
- Resolution: That the Committee be authorised to change the subscription for 2017-18 if it is deemed necessary. The Chair reminded the meeting that the Group subscription has remained at £10 per member for a number of years but as there is currently a healthy bank balance it was not deemed necessary to raise the subscription.
There being no other business the meeting was closed at 7:25pm and the Chair thanked all for their attendance.
Registered Charity Number: 1016119
Membership Secretary: Mrs S Brooke-Taylor
c/o 8 Chance Fields, Radford Semele CV31 1TR,